Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What I admire about Leslie


Leslie is my former young childhood education assistant to my being the lead teacher.  When hiring in my school, we always start by trying to hire from within the school families.  This was true of Leslie as I had three of her children as a part of my 2 Day 2 class.  Her boys being twins and our school is a co-op, we spent a lot of time together!This isn't my classroom, but it does resemble it a lot

We had a lead teacher slot open up that Leslie had applied for but wasn't hired for, even though she has spent the last year getting certified.  She did land a job in another school in town so of course, she accepted and left our nursery school.   I am happy for her and we get together for coffee every few months to catch up and for me to see how her first year teaching is going - I for one took a nap every day after school my first year!  And was sick four different times with a cold or flu before the middle of October!  Leslie's health is just fine, but her twin boys have both been diagnosed with dyslexia.  I know her, she probably took this very hard at first and sure enough, she felt guilty for not catching it herself.  The boys are 7 years old - this is the age when you realize there might be a problem as they are not reading.
So what I admire about Leslie is she admits to feeling guilty, but moves on.  Not by taking a step or two, oh no - by jumping the fastest moving train she can find!  She is going to cut out one of her two classes she was teaching - leaving her two days in nursery school - and going back to school to certify her to tutor, mentor, and assist children learning to read with dyslexia.  When you give this woman a problem, she has her devastation period (wholly admits to) but then she is studying to be the best at deflating the problem!  It's not as scary if you completely understand it.  She going not going to pretend that this someone else's job or that "the boys will be just fine on their own" She is going to become the expert in the field of language disabilities.  Leslie's older daughter has some spacial relation issues - don't just walk up to this girl upon meeting her and get/give a hug, as a two year old it made her freeze and tense.  Leslie had studied what the issue was and what would help her daughter the most.  Specialized gym time. Leslie works so hard on making sure that nothing is going to hold down her kids natural talents.Let them soar, Leslie!

15 minutes of admiration

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Keep Your Germs to Yourself, Please

Sick Woman In Bed By Pills On Bedside Table
Keep your Germs to Yourself, Please

I know how good it feels to feel better after being sick.  It's wonderful to be alive, isn't it!  Great feeling, but friends, use a little judgement!

On my little street alone, I am lucky to have 5 other neighbors who have a senior graduating from high school this year!  These 5 kids have grown up together, and this is our last hurrah from the days when we used to have neighborhood pizza/cocktail parties.   So the parent(s) of these 5 got together last night for a planning party - we are going to have a block graduation party!  One parent brought BBQ for us to sample as that is what he is suggesting gets catered for the party.  Fine, several flavors and several salads, biscuits and cornbread.  It was one parents birthday so a cake arrived, I brought the wine.  Good times.  Three out of seven of us were sick!?   One of the parents missed worked for a week and half - I have never known her to miss work - she must have been really, really sick.  What are you doing here?   I would have been happy to postpone - graduation isn't until June.  It's March.  The coughing that was going on was louder than a car horn!    People repeatedly asked the hostess how she was feeling - she looked ill.  Her husband and I drank the wine and everyone else nursed cups of tea.  The planning worked out, I brought home a lot of leftovers from the BBQ joint that Doug suggested for my BBQ loving husband.  I swallowed vitamin C while he ate.  Like I said, feeling a bit better after being down and out for almost 2 weeks, I get it.  But I don't want to get it.   I was ready to down my wine and head home to my vitamin C after the birthday girl didn't want to blow out her candles so not to spread her germs over the food
She used her hand to blow out the flames.  Cake everyone?  I'll pass, thanks.

15 minutes of love to share the memories, but keep your ills at home.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Land of Indecision

The Land of Indecision 
Image result for images of the phantom tollbooth
My daughter has been accepted into a college in Paris to study fashion design.  Great, so why am I waffling on this now?  My husband and I took to to Paris to visit the school, among others, so I knew I had already said yes to this, yet here I am holding back.

It's the land of indecision.  A place where you waddle around, not sure of what to do, when you really knew what to do all the time.  I found this place a long time ago when my mother suffered a stroke.  Although her cognitive abilities were just as sharp as ever, she lost a great deal of her speech, and most important, she lost the ability to swallow.  Due to my close location to hers I am in charge of her living will - where she has clearly stated 'do not resuscitate or hold on to her life by any artificial means'.  No feeding tube.  My siblings were not happy about this, and I was put in the position of being asked "so you are just going to let her die?"

I volunteered to drive my son's carpool both directions so I could sit by myself on the far end of a baseball field, and think.  Just before some rain clouds showed up, a dad came to pick up early.  He told me about a friend of his who at a young age developed cancer resulting in a stomach tube.  His friend hated the thing, even though it kept him alive, and one day had enough, yanked it out and died.  I thanked Bill for his story and how did he know to share that with me?  He had heard.  The rain clouds started to open up so Matthew and his teammate ran for the car and we started to drive home.  Matthew asked me about the Land of Indecision, you know he said, the one from that book his sister loves so much.  "The Phantom Tollbooth"  Yes, he said - but what does the Land of Indecision mean.  I said, "It's where you are stuck so you dwell and ponder about something you have to decided one way or another on - and you really know the right answer all along"  No lie - the minute I said that, the very second the fog cleared from my mind, the clouds parted and the beautiful setting springtime sun shone through!  It was magical.

When we got home I quickly asked my daughter for the "The Phantom Tollbooth" book and as she handed it over as I asked her about "The Land of Indecision" chapter.  She said there wasn't a "land of indecision" chapter and showed me the map in the front of the book of all the existing lands and areas in the book.  "Matthew!"  I called, and asked him what he was talking about in the car.  He said in a bored manner "I don't know, I guess I made it up or saw something on TV" and walked away.  Whoa.  I had a magical nudge or shove in the right direction.  

My siblings could get lawyers and court dates if they wanted, but my mother had an iron clad living will defending her wish to die.  Because she was still so present, I asked her if she wanted a stomach tube to prolong her life, she shook her head no.  Then she proceeded to give me accurate directions to the Hospice the doctor was directing us to!

And today's decision is, if you want to study fashion design, is it better to study in Chicago or Paris?

My fifteen minutes from the Land of Indecision.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Peoples Creative Impulses

Happy Hour!
My husband and I went out to a happy hour at a wonderful fish market restaurant "Black Salt" on MacArthur Blvd., in Washington, DC.  Martini's and oysters!  A great break in the middle of the week not to mention, Jeff Black's restaurants in this area are legendary.  What I love about this particular location is that the the restaurant front is really a fish market!  On your way to the bar/restaurant you pass fresh fish on ice that you can purchase to take home for a home cooked meal.  Lovely and so fresh!  On this particular occasion is that the fish monger had a little fun.  A large red snapper was on display not only because he is beautiful, but the fish man will clean it up for you if you want the whole fish.  But last night the fish man had put a smaller fish in the mouth of the snapper!  So cute, funny, and - quite true!  This little piece of creative Wimsey I think is in all of us - and I love to see it come out!  It was also reminder to me that even to a what seems to be a simple happy hour to alleviate a hard work week for me - always bring my camera a long!  So, I've penned a image of what I saw.  It doesn't do the actual image justice, but I love to draw - if your creative output makes you smile, why not?!

My fifteen celebrating the everyday creative.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Success is not final,
failure is not fatal;
It is the courage to continue that counts
~Winston Churchill
The human condition called fear is important - it can stop you from doing something dangerously stupid.  Don't poke the sleeping bear!  Sometimes I find it paralysing.  I really want to try my hand at an art quilt and submit in an upcoming show.  Yet, here it is, late in the afternoon - 2 hours before I need to be dressed to go out, and I haven't touched it.  I always have to remind myself - what's the worse that can happen?  I use the seam ripper like when conquering the Mariner's Compass Star master class quilt block.  I learn something but it isn't good enough for me to brave enough to enter the show - this year.  My husband wasn't happy with is LSAT results - is he too disappointed or too afraid to retake the law school test.
I am reminded of when
 I attended the National Portfolio Day held at the Corcoran School of Art.  The building was full of the bravest young people around!  Opening up their work and their hearts to critics from art school from across the country.  That was a room where everyone one was in the same boat, the students were so supportive of these like minded people they have only just met in line.  I took a deep breath and was exhilarated!
OK art quilt - here I come and I am ready to cut the fabric!  Friday.  I've got to teach my nursery school class tomorrow!  And get the supper ready before going to happy hour with my husband.  I am feeling braver already!  Let's learn this!

My 15 minutes on small but depleting fears.

Monday, March 23, 2015



I have had two experience's with obtaining a visa's for my college students.  The first speaks volumes of this generation of kids - instant.  Snap chat, google maps, texting, etc., so much in a instant.  Picking out a suitcase in the basement for my oldest to take for her semester abroad in London, I brought up the fact that she needs to get a purse that can hold her passport and visa securly but with easy access when entering the country.  "I should really get on that visa now, shouldn't I ?"  She was leaving in two weeks.  Her school advisor didn't advise her to get on that sooner than later over summer break.   Scramble, scramble, expedite, got it done.  

Now on the second try for my youngest to go to school in Paris.  We were advised over the summer while visiting Parson's Paris that we should start to work on the visa as soon as possible as they can take a long time.  I needed to wait to see if she gained admittance into any of the London and Paris schools she was apply too first - that makes sense doesn't it?  Well, she got into the Paris College of Art and this is where she'd like to study.  
The French Consulate grants visa appointments but once a month.  We went today - jsut to come home without filing the visa request!  We have to wait until 90 days prior to her travel.  Oh, now that they've said it, it makes sense.   they are not going to post date a visa.  So she'd have a visa that would expire in April - we can't have that!  The bad news is that 90 days before she should ship out in August (no worries, I am going too!) she will be in the middle of exams.

My first "emergency" visa experience isn't the way I like to get things done.  I like to get the important, the you're not going until it's done important things done and done.  At least the paper work is done!

15 minutes of two steps forward, one step back

Saturday, March 21, 2015

High School Senior Attitude

High School Senior Attitude

Once my girls top college choice came in with a resounding yes - she has had a "up yours" kind of attitude towards everything.  With a smile on her face, but "what the f***k" on everything!  One of the top college fashion schools final due date was after her top choice came in - and she got her notice today that she was not accepted.  She didn't care!  While I am happy not have to mop her up off the floor, but her confession (not under duress) was upsetting.  
The final push on this particular schools application came when she was really busy she said, and it was true - but let's face it, she didn't try as hard since she got the school she wants.  Is it a grown up thing or a personality thing that one would work as hard as you can to see if you could win a spot at this top fashion school?
She dropped the ball, on purpose, and didn't care.  But she'll never know now.  Don't I know as a grown up that she'll wonder one day - what if I put my all in getting in there, would I have been accepted or rejected?

My 15 minutes as the grown up

Thursday, March 19, 2015

When a Child Needs Assistance - or It's OK to Need Help

When a Child Needs Assistance
It's OK to Need Help

One of my student's this year has beautiful eyes, but doesn't make eye contact.  He's is so happy to be at school, but completely on his own terms.  He is very sweet, although he has never spoken to me ans has  the language of a 1 year old or younger.  He is the most peaceful when he is not around a crowd of children.

See where I am going with this?  The mother doesn't, and that worries me because I want "A" to have the best childhood he can have.  In order for that to be accomplished the mother has to enlist some the services we have in our area - their goal is to make this now just 3 year "A" kindergarten ready by 5 years old.  No one wants to hear their child is different, but isn't it our goal as parents and teachers to give them everything they need to the best of our ability to turn the toddlers into wonderful thriving adults?  Sometimes this needs to accomplished by taking the road less traveled.  The mother believes once he gets into routines of our play based nursery school he will be "like everyone else".  It's the end of March, and no routine of our day has "A" accomplished.  It's a struggle and hysteria every day.  How can I help her understand that it's not wrong to seek assistance, it's not her fault?  When ignoring it is.  

My "sad my school isn't the right fit for "A" when there are wonderful programs out there that would help and enrich this child's life - but being ignored" 5 minutes day

*the photo is from a mural at The Parson's New School of Design in New York City - I don't recall the artist

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Anais Nin

Throw you 
dreams into space 
like a kite,
and you do not
know what it 
will bring back,
a new life,
a new friend,
a new love,
a new country.
           - Anais Nin

I am thinking of using this quote from the poet/author Anais Nin for my daughter's 18th birthday card. She has been accepted into, and desperately wants to attend, The Paris Collage of Art.  It's appropriate as she wants to be a fashion designer, but IS IT WHAT I WANT?!  For her to study fashion design in Paris, is the BOMB but, honestly, can I let her go?  Of course, I have to.  I don't want to.  But at the end of the day, when a future employer asks where she studied fashion - does Chicago sound stronger than Paris?
My five minutes

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Going back

I've started drawing and painting again!  I find myself settling down after a long day of work and after dinner drawing animals, balloons afloat in the sky, a little red canoe - it's mesmerizing!  Wine is relaxing too, and probably helps with the process, but this is the bomb.  I am so happy!  As the mother of four, my watercolor days have been on hold for a pretty long time.  Attending the Corcoran College of Art are some of my happiest memories - after my four children of course!  I feel one step closer to getting my children's books published if I can at least convie my ideas with a simple pen and ink idea.  Publisher's  discourage you to submit book ideas with your own drawings unless you are in industry professional.  I am no Jan Brett, but I would think an inkling of what I see for the story is a good idea.  And it feels so good to get back to the creative process of making a picture!  It kinda started with my husband needing to be a part of basketball's March madness.  I have no need for this.  So drawing and sketching during my show's is ideal.  Except for Scandal - that's a full attention full glass of wine arena!

That's my five minutes.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Some books I don't get

Some books I just don't get!

I am sure Gretchen Rubin is a wonderful person - but I don't get her "Happiness Project" that landed in my book group.  She lives in a great area in New York City - no rats in her building because the door man won't let them in.  She a seemly wonderful husband and a healthy happy little girl, She has a well respected job in the publishing business that she doesn't seem to moan about when she needs to hop out of bed to go to work.Why does she need to challenge herself to be happy?!  I fell like with all of those wonderful people and things going well in her life, if she needs to challenge herself to be happy - she needs therapy.  She needs to take a bus to some other neighborhoods in NYC and take a look at some peoples struggles.  She needs to take her girl to the pond and sail a toy boat in Central Park.  We all need to have more fun - it's called saying "Yes!" to that invitation to join an outing or a cocktail party.  Nobody offering invites?  Have the invites come from you.  Boom.

I put the book back.

That's my five minutes

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Whittemore Mansion in Washington DC

The Whittmore House is a historic brownstone in the Dupont Circle area of Washington DC.  It is now the home of the National Women's Democratic Club - and where I had my wedding reception many years ago!  So much fun to go back inside, my husband and stood in front of the massive fireplace and our daughter took our picture to mimic our wedding pictures.  So sweet.

Today's visit was because the School of the Art Institute of Chicago held an accepted students meet and greet today.  My daughter wants to be a fashion designer.  The staff talked of paints - all varieties, film, graphic design, sculpture, photography - everything BUT fashion design!  Not a single slide bearing a fashion sketch or garment construction.  I called them out about it.  Not that I said this, but shouldn't you know a little about the people you've invited to your party?

(Washington DC Art Council had a fund raiser which involved local artists to paint either a donkey or an elephant in a manor that reflected our city.  After the exhibit the group of painted donkey's and elephants were sold or auctioned off.  It's only fitting that one landed here at the Women's Democratic Club!)

That's my five minutes.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blondies for the Boy - Butterscotch Brownies recipe

When my son was in high school conversations with him consisted with "yes", "no", "maybe", "I don't know" and "Can I go now?".  (he's wearing the number 2) Now that he's away at school - we have hour long conversations!  When I initiate I am ready to hang up - he will start on a new topic!  Shocking.  He's lonely.   Or he's maturing.  I can be hopeful!  I think the best way to brighten someone's day is the mail.  Who doesn't get cheered by a package of treats and a fun card.  I made him Butterscotch Brownies and the secret is to brown the butter
 and let it cool before whisking in the eggs.
OK, 10 tablespoons of butter is a lot - but I did call this a treat, didn't I?!
I didn't add how much water to use - you can judge for yourself.  I forgot to take a picture of the finished product!  Image blondies and you are there!  Yum!

Butterscotch Brownies

2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
10 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 eggs
1/4 cup vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 350
Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife.  Combine flour, brown sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.  
Place butter in a small skillet over medium heat.  Cook 6 mins, stirring occasionally.  Let cool 10 mins.  
Combine butter and eggs, stirring with a whisk.  Pour butter over flour mixture, stir to combine, add vegetable oil.  Continue to combine, adding a little water until you have a mixed consistency you can press into a greased 13 x 9 inch baking dish.  Smooth with a spatula and bake for 30 mins.
Yields 24 squares.

That's my 5 minutes today 

Friday, March 13, 2015


It's a wonderful thing to be proud of your child.  She earned it!  She and her co-director told the classic Romeo and Juliet story from the soul of these two teenagers.  The star crossed lovers were both isolated from their parents and desperately lonely.  Then to put a little humor in a tragic story, she directed Juliet's nurse to be a bit tipsy!  I have never enjoyed a Shakespeare play this much.  And I know when ever I hear a whisper of Romeo and Juliet or anything heart will swell with pride.

Isn't it a human condition to be proud of your child and her accomplishments?  When my mom was teaching me how to use her sewing machine so I could see if I liked sewing hoping it would turn into a quilt.  She complimented me on being a fast learning.  I almost fell off my chair.  I was thirty eight.  I called my sister - this was huge!  My mother never compliment me - or my sisters.  My brother, yes - but that's a different story.  If someone said to her "your daughter is such a graceful ice skater!"  She'd counter with "Well, she can't walk down the street with tripping over her own two feet!"  Nice, thanks Mom.

I can only feel sorry for my Mom now when before her lack of approval always left me disappointed.   The heart swelling pride I have for my girl and all that she does is worth every hour of childbirth.  How could anyone not feel this way?

Five minutes done

Thursday, March 12, 2015

No Child Left Inside

I am an early childhood educator, a.k.a  - a nursery school teacher.  Two things that came out of today - sometimes I don't eat anything from 8:30-2:30 although I am in constant motion.
Yes, there is food available but sometimes it just isn't appealing!  And it's important to have children get exercise.  It's a shame that, along with art and music, recess is being pushed out of our public schools.  NO CHILD LEFT INSIDE!  No one, no one, can sit and being productive with out movement and fresh air.
How can you have a healthy brain with out it?  I want my class to learn it's important to move your muscles - what kid doesn't want to run around on some level or another?  And when I don't eat for 6 hours - I'll eat the door off the fridge just to get at some food!

Five minutes out

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Five Minutes a Day

Five minutes a day.  
Five writing minutes a day.

I am a married mother of four, preschool teacher - because I needed more children in my life, quilts are my hobby, photographer, crafter, water color painting, cooking, eating, but what I really want is to be a children's book author!
I have written many books, my family and co-workers love them!  But I have not been picked up by a publisher.  
I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writer's and Illustrators, and they send out a bulletin regarding this industry every 2 months.  I just read an article about a book by Peg Kehret titled Five Pages a Day: A Writer's Journey.  Ms. Kehret directs that if you start with five minutes a day of writing, this will grow to five pages a day.
So I thought, why not?  I've got to get disciplined about writing every day and not doing all the things that eat up time.
The laundry/dishes/shopping for supper/driving/cleaning/food prep/class curriculum/dog and cat duty's/bills/doctors appointment/solving problems unless an emergency/ will have to wait
I want my books published!

and that ain't gonna happen unless I write them
get them out there.

So today starts the discipline of writing, start with five minutes a day to get warmed up.