Friday, March 13, 2015


It's a wonderful thing to be proud of your child.  She earned it!  She and her co-director told the classic Romeo and Juliet story from the soul of these two teenagers.  The star crossed lovers were both isolated from their parents and desperately lonely.  Then to put a little humor in a tragic story, she directed Juliet's nurse to be a bit tipsy!  I have never enjoyed a Shakespeare play this much.  And I know when ever I hear a whisper of Romeo and Juliet or anything heart will swell with pride.

Isn't it a human condition to be proud of your child and her accomplishments?  When my mom was teaching me how to use her sewing machine so I could see if I liked sewing hoping it would turn into a quilt.  She complimented me on being a fast learning.  I almost fell off my chair.  I was thirty eight.  I called my sister - this was huge!  My mother never compliment me - or my sisters.  My brother, yes - but that's a different story.  If someone said to her "your daughter is such a graceful ice skater!"  She'd counter with "Well, she can't walk down the street with tripping over her own two feet!"  Nice, thanks Mom.

I can only feel sorry for my Mom now when before her lack of approval always left me disappointed.   The heart swelling pride I have for my girl and all that she does is worth every hour of childbirth.  How could anyone not feel this way?

Five minutes done

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