Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Five Minutes a Day

Five minutes a day.  
Five writing minutes a day.

I am a married mother of four, preschool teacher - because I needed more children in my life, quilts are my hobby, photographer, crafter, water color painting, cooking, eating, but what I really want is to be a children's book author!
I have written many books, my family and co-workers love them!  But I have not been picked up by a publisher.  
I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writer's and Illustrators, and they send out a bulletin regarding this industry every 2 months.  I just read an article about a book by Peg Kehret titled Five Pages a Day: A Writer's Journey.  Ms. Kehret directs that if you start with five minutes a day of writing, this will grow to five pages a day.
So I thought, why not?  I've got to get disciplined about writing every day and not doing all the things that eat up time.
The laundry/dishes/shopping for supper/driving/cleaning/food prep/class curriculum/dog and cat duty's/bills/doctors appointment/solving problems unless an emergency/ will have to wait
I want my books published!

and that ain't gonna happen unless I write them
get them out there.

So today starts the discipline of writing, start with five minutes a day to get warmed up.

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