Thursday, March 12, 2015

No Child Left Inside

I am an early childhood educator, a.k.a  - a nursery school teacher.  Two things that came out of today - sometimes I don't eat anything from 8:30-2:30 although I am in constant motion.
Yes, there is food available but sometimes it just isn't appealing!  And it's important to have children get exercise.  It's a shame that, along with art and music, recess is being pushed out of our public schools.  NO CHILD LEFT INSIDE!  No one, no one, can sit and being productive with out movement and fresh air.
How can you have a healthy brain with out it?  I want my class to learn it's important to move your muscles - what kid doesn't want to run around on some level or another?  And when I don't eat for 6 hours - I'll eat the door off the fridge just to get at some food!

Five minutes out

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